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Corrupting commercial practices and compromising the integrity of operations are organized threats on the same scale as cyber security.  This means a changing narrative for businesses, to avoid the corporate scandals that have befallen major construction, engineering, manufacturing and energy producing firms, as well as banks.  We have extensive views, from a prosecutorial perspective, that can empower and motivate entities to do the right thing, sharpen the expertise of employees to generate clean business and protect the lifeblood of the company.


Reduce the risk of reversing gains, and improve the way the company mirrors itself


▪ Provide practical-application training and meaningful illustrations to change the risk calculation that many divisions and subsidiaries make when operating in corrupt environments, based on experience honed at the FBI’s Legal Instruction Unit, the Training Division of the Directorate of Special Operations, and the World Bank’s International Corruption Hunter’s Alliance; and


▪ Focus on what often causes the most damage: willful blindness, failure to supervise and prevent, conscious disregard, contrived ignorance, the effect of up-the-chain accountability, and a need for disclosure of materially adverse events.

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