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We have a seasoned and trained eye for what happens when things go wrong.  This is so because we have over many years spearheaded global investigations, managed corporate prosecutions, countered egregious defense strategies, taken action that led to sanctioning and debarment, helped insitutions prevent recidivism by deterring misconduct, and employed forensic auditing to surface systemic integrity problems in large projects before they become unmanageable.  We managed more than 100 multi-jurisdictional corruption and fraud cases; initiated the settlement of charges, short-circuited litigation and reduced legal costs in more than 100 matters; and had oversight of the integrity compliance programs of more than 60 corporate entities.  



We step in


â–ª Design a straight-forward solutions strategy to a large-scale integrity crisis, by working with the senior management, compliance staff, and outside counsel and advisers to reduce legal and financial damage, strive for strategic communication within the organization and to the outside world; and help put the enterprise on a path to re-establish a credible reputation;


â–ª Advise on the appropriate scope and content of an internal corporate investigation of alleged misconduct, assess its outcome, inquire into individual and management involvement and recommend effective administrative action, sanctioning or other corrective steps;


â–ª Opine on steps to address integrity compliance issues of multilateral bodies, e.g., in terms of integrity due diligence for screening transactions and obtaining partner, vendor, supplier, agent, customer, and other third-party information; and assess the scope and reach of rules affecting corporate groups embarking on mergers and acquisitions; and


â–ª Counsel corporations on cooperation, voluntary and self-disclosure, settlement and dispute resolution with law enforcement, regulatory and administrative authorities, to enable the company to credibly and cost-effectively move forward.

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